Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baby Steps

I always tell myself I'm going to submit to this magazine, or to that journal. It remains a reassuring thought in my head; that I can be creative, that I can produce interesting work. It's a thought that rarely gets realized.

Tonight that changes. I made my first work of art for submission to Femmag, a yearly journal put out by FIFE, or Feminism Is For Everyone. The topic for this year's journal is Our Bodies, Our Lives, and it's about body image. As you probably deduced.

I'm not really involved in FIFE, and I didn't even work especially hard on this cover art submission. On the other hand, it's a start.

Version 1:

Version 2:

I also have an idea in my head for a short story. We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. It's the image on the upper right hand side that the editor reads as DNA, the frame around the girl.
