Thursday, March 24, 2011

Because No One Wants to Eat Plain Rice

I made rice as part of my dinner this evening. Rice is a rare culinary staple for me; pasta is my first-choice dinner carb - c'mon, you can just put butter on it and call it a delicious day - closely followed by grainy bread (invariably with butter also).

But tonight I was feeling ever-so-slightly adventurous, so I made rice! I mean, I have put just butter on my rice, and then called it a not-so-delicious day, but I think that as a general rule, rice calls out for something more... Asian.

The soy sauce was already out, for the zucchini I'd made as my appetizer. I added some off-brand sriracha to my soy-saucy rice, then fished around in the fridge for some fish sauce (ha!). Then I ate it, just so. Now that's what I call a decent bowl of rice.

Because truly, who wants to eat plain rice?

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